Note: Things I Learn from the Internet is a series of post containing snippets of wisdom collected from stuff I read on the WWW which do not warrant a post in itself.
Peek: a user testing tool: order a test, a real person test your site, result sent to you in a video. (nice website too)
SMAC: Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud. The new enterprise IT model.
Sales Force: Social media marketing suite (includes Radian6)
SproutSocial: Social Media management and engagement platform
TweetReach: How far did your tweet travel? Analytics in real time.
Think with Google, Google Creative Sandbox
Springwise: 3 inspiring business ideas, every day
Quantcast: offers audience insight into web and mobile destinations
Compfight: search for images, including creative commons ones
The do’s and dont’s of Facebook ads: insightful tips
Airserver: mirror your display and stream content from iOS devices
Biteable: create animated explainer video
Which technologies do startups use?
Flutter: Twitter account management tool (find out who to follow/unfollow: analyses the followers of an account and recommend you who to follow)
How to use Flutter to acquire new customers on Twitter
Fiverr: online marketplace offering tasks and services (writing and translation, graphics, marketing, video, animation, etc)
Canva: very easy to use online design tool
Low cost or free online tools for nonprofits