I have no idea how this story is suppose to begin, in which way it will unfold and how it will end. All I know is I need to write this down, despite the fatigue, anxiety, stress and most of all, fear.
I started a company with Glenn and two other friends (S and K). A consultancy company, how cliche. Specializing in communication strategy and engineering solutions. I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but nothing could have prepared me for the journey I was about to embark on. Still embarking on, actually.
If there is one thing I really detest doing, it’ll be paper work. Dealing with bureaucracy and red tape is soul sucking and de-motivating. Luckily I have a partner who likes (yes, I can’t believe myself too) to do this and is actually very good at it, besides the million other things he is good at. But there are still many things that I have to just, well, bite my tongue, suck it up and go the nike way – just do it.
Applied for work permit today. I foresee a long wait and plenty of frustration, but refuse to be defeated. I didn’t come so far to give up. I have this somewhat naive optimism that things will work out eventually, and I wonder if life is always so predictable. Ahhh … who am I kidding.
Overworked, sleep-deprived, crappy food, cranky, intermittent high followed by doomsday despair, breathing the smell of hope and surviving on pure adrenalin.
Welcome to the world of entrepreneurship.