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There are cloudy and confusing days, and then there are days like today. The weather is glittery and warm. On days like this I feel like I own the world. Being alone is a luxury that I could seldom afford nowadays. Claustrophobic antsiness led me to the lake, into an open space and open sky and a lone seagull. Green grass, kissing couples, roller-blades, colours, photographic moments, scampering kids and all things bright and free. Geneva is beautiful when the weather is kind. So beautiful it makes me sigh. In appreciation and in fear. I sat on the brink of a stone edge and stared into the sky, the wind running through my hair felt like something from my childhood. It’s a perfect day for flying kites, daddy would say and I would grin. It felt almost wrong to be this happy. Dangling knees and a perpetual smile was all I could do. My sensitivity to sensory pleasure is heightened and urgent, almost explosive. I remember once telling a friend about my theory of proportionating happiness. I think today was a day of positive gain. I felt like  dipping my toes into a private pool of elongated serenity, perhaps the ripples will carry me through some harder days to come. I thought of many things. But they all seemed irrelevant to the weather. All roads lead here, it’s queer isn’t it.  I looked up and saw a kite, with a long colourful tail.

I live for days like these.




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